Higman's lemma

In mathematics, Higman's lemma states that the set Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma ^{*}} of finite sequences over a finite alphabet Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } , as partially ordered by the subsequence relation, is well-quasi-ordered. That is, if w 1 , w 2 , Σ {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},\ldots \in \Sigma ^{*}} is an infinite sequence of words over a finite alphabet Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } , then there exist indices i < j {\displaystyle i<j} such that w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} can be obtained from w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} by deleting some (possibly none) symbols. More generally this remains true when Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } is not necessarily finite, but is itself well-quasi-ordered, and the subsequence relation is generalized into an "embedding" relation that allows the replacement of symbols by earlier symbols in the well-quasi-ordering of Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } . This is a special case of the later Kruskal's tree theorem. It is named after Graham Higman, who published it in 1952.


Let Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } be a well-quasi-ordered alphabet of symbols (in particular, Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } could be finite and ordered by the identity relation). Suppose for a contradiction that there exist infinite bad sequences, i.e. infinite sequences of words w 1 , w 2 , w 3 , Σ {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},w_{3},\ldots \in \Sigma ^{*}} such that no w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} embeds into a later w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} . Then there exists an infinite bad sequence of words W = ( w 1 , w 2 , w 3 , ) {\displaystyle W=(w_{1},w_{2},w_{3},\ldots )} that is minimal in the following sense: w 1 {\displaystyle w_{1}} is a word of minimum length from among all words that start infinite bad sequences; w 2 {\displaystyle w_{2}} is a word of minimum length from among all infinite bad sequences that start with w 1 {\displaystyle w_{1}} ; w 3 {\displaystyle w_{3}} is a word of minimum length from among all infinite bad sequences that start with w 1 , w 2 {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2}} ; and so on. In general, w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} is a word of minimum length from among all infinite bad sequences that start with w 1 , , w i 1 {\displaystyle w_{1},\ldots ,w_{i-1}} .

Since no w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} can be the empty word, we can write w i = a i z i {\displaystyle w_{i}=a_{i}z_{i}} for a i Σ {\displaystyle a_{i}\in \Sigma } and z i Σ {\displaystyle z_{i}\in \Sigma ^{*}} . Since Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } is well-quasi-ordered, the sequence of leading symbols a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , {\displaystyle a_{1},a_{2},a_{3},\ldots } must contain an infinite increasing sequence a i 1 a i 2 a i 3 {\displaystyle a_{i_{1}}\leq a_{i_{2}}\leq a_{i_{3}}\leq \cdots } with i 1 < i 2 < i 3 < {\displaystyle i_{1}<i_{2}<i_{3}<\cdots } .

Now consider the sequence of words

w 1 , , w i 1 1 , z i 1 , z i 2 , z i 3 , . {\displaystyle w_{1},\ldots ,w_{{i_{1}}-1},z_{i_{1}},z_{i_{2}},z_{i_{3}},\ldots .}
Because z i 1 {\displaystyle z_{i_{1}}} is shorter than w i 1 = a i 1 z i 1 {\displaystyle w_{i_{1}}=a_{i_{1}}z_{i_{1}}} , this sequence is "more minimal" than W {\displaystyle W} , and so it must contain a word u {\displaystyle u} that embeds into a later word v {\displaystyle v} . But u {\displaystyle u} and v {\displaystyle v} cannot both be w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} 's, because then the original sequence W {\displaystyle W} would not be bad. Similarly, it cannot be that u {\displaystyle u} is a w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} and v {\displaystyle v} is a z i k {\displaystyle z_{i_{k}}} , because then w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} would also embed into w i k = a i k z i k {\displaystyle w_{i_{k}}=a_{i_{k}}z_{i_{k}}} . And similarly, it cannot be that u = z i j {\displaystyle u=z_{i_{j}}} and v = z i k {\displaystyle v=z_{i_{k}}} , j < k {\displaystyle j<k} , because then w i j = a i j z i j {\displaystyle w_{i_{j}}=a_{i_{j}}z_{i_{j}}} would embed into w i k = a i k z i k {\displaystyle w_{i_{k}}=a_{i_{k}}z_{i_{k}}} . In every case we arrive at a contradiction.

Ordinal type

The ordinal type of Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma ^{*}} is related to the ordinal type of Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } as follows:[1][2]

o ( Σ ) = { ω ω o ( Σ ) 1 , o ( Σ )  finite ; ω ω o ( Σ ) + 1 , o ( Σ ) = ε α + n  for some  α  and some finite  n ; ω ω o ( Σ ) , otherwise . {\displaystyle o(\Sigma ^{*})={\begin{cases}\omega ^{\omega ^{o(\Sigma )-1}},&o(\Sigma ){\text{ finite}};\\\omega ^{\omega ^{o(\Sigma )+1}},&o(\Sigma )=\varepsilon _{\alpha }+n{\text{ for some }}\alpha {\text{ and some finite }}n;\\\omega ^{\omega ^{o(\Sigma )}},&{\text{otherwise}}.\end{cases}}}

Reverse-mathematical calibration

Higman's lemma has been reverse mathematically calibrated (in terms of subsystems of second-order arithmetic) as equivalent to A C A 0 {\displaystyle ACA_{0}} over the base theory R C A 0 {\displaystyle RCA_{0}} .[3]


  • Higman, Graham (1952), "Ordering by divisibility in abstract algebras", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (3), 2 (7): 326–336, doi:10.1112/plms/s3-2.1.326


  1. ^ de Jongh, Dick H. G.; Parikh, Rohit (1977). "Well-partial orderings and hierarchies". Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings). 80 (3): 195–207. doi:10.1016/1385-7258(77)90067-1.
  2. ^ Schmidt, Diana (1979). Well-partial orderings and their maximal order types (Habilitationsschrift). Heidelberg. Republished in: Schmidt, Diana (2020). "Well-partial orderings and their maximal order types". In Schuster, Peter M.; Seisenberger, Monika; Weiermann, Andreas (eds.). Well-Quasi Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning. Trends in Logic. Vol. 53. Springer. pp. 351–391. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30229-0_13.
  3. ^ J. van der Meeren, M. Rathjen, A. Weiermann, An order-theoretic characterization of the Howard-Bachmann-hierarchy (2015, p.41). Accessed 03 November 2022.

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