Luettelo animaatiosarjan Hopon poppoo jaksoista

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Tämä on luettelo animaatiosarjan Hopon poppoo jaksoista.


1. tuotantokausi

# Suomenkielinen nimi Englanninkielinen nimi
1. Axed by Addition
2. Unreal Estate
3. You Camp Take It with You
4. Midnight Movie Madness
5. Counterfeit Goof
6. O, R-V, I N-V U
7. Ramppikuume Meanwhile, Back at the Ramp
8. Close Encounters of the Weird Mime
9. Kandee Mennä Kalaan Slightly Dinghy
10. Cabana Fever
11. Where There's Smoke, There's Goof
12. Date with Destiny
13. Hot Air
14. Take Me Out of the Ball Game
15. Tuskaa, valheita ja videonauhaa Wrecks, Lives & Videotape
16. Max-imum Protection
17. Goofin' Hood & His Melancholy Men
18. Leader of the Pack
19. Inspector Goofy
20. Shake, Rattle & Goof
21. Terminal Pete
22. Fool's Gold
23. Cat's Entertainment
24. Waste Makes Haste
25. The Ungoofables
26. All the Goof That's Fit to Print
27. To Heir Is Human
28. Hallow-Weenies
29. Ollako vai Eikö Amme Tub Be or Not Tub Be
30. Major Goof
31. A Goof of the People
32. Goof Under My Roof
33. Everything's Coming Up Goofy
34. Good Neighbor Goof
35. Goodbye Mr. Goofy
36. Lethal Goofin'
37. Frankengoof
38. E=MC Goof
39. Pete's Day at the Races
40. In Goof We Trust
41. And Baby Makes Three
42. The Incredible Bulk
43. Mrs. Spoonerville
44. For Pete's Sake
45. Big City Blues
46. Rally Round the Goof
47. Window Pains
48. Nightmare on Goof Street
49. Where There's a Will, There's a Goof
50. Winter Blunderland
51. Gymnauseum
52. Come Fly with Me
53. As Goof Would Have It
54. Calling All Goofs
55. Buddy Building
56. Dr. Horatio's Magic Orchestra
57. Goofs of a Feather
58. Goof Fellas
59. The Good, the Bad & the Goofy
60. Educating Goofy
61. Peg o' the Jungle
62. Partners in Grime
63. A Pizza the Action
64. To Catch a Goof
65. Gunfight at the Okie-Doke Corral

2. tuotantokausi

# Suomenkielinen nimi Englanninkielinen nimi
66. Queasy Rider
67. Maximum Insecurity
68. Puppy Love
69. Great Egg-Spectations
70. Three Ring Bind
71. Pistolgeist
72. Bringin' On the Rain
73. Talent to the Max
74. Tee for Two
75. Goofin' Up the Social Ladder
76. Sherlock Goof
77. From Air to Eternity
78. Clan of the Cave Goof
79. A Goof Troop Christmas